Persistence - The Key to Success
Ann Bode
Ann Bode
Aug 31, 2022

Persistence - The Key to Success

Persistence is the key to success. Let me just repeat that... Persistence is the key to success! Nothing can get you to your goals like persistence can. It is the part of your personality that if developed properly is your guarantor of victory.

Napoleon Hill, in his classic Think and Grow Rich  devoted an entire chapter to the subject of persistence. Hill suggested, “There may be no heroic connotation to the word persistence but the quality is to your character what carbon is to steel.” In other words, it's essential.

Many successful athletes, artists, dancers and business owners will tell you that they may not have been the most talented or had the most potential, but what they did have was tenacity. They didn't quit. They were persistent in making progress and although they hit obstacles, they persevered. Someone with more talent and natural ability may have an advantage but if they don't have the ability to stay the course and endure they will not prevail. The one who continues to push back and remain is the one who succeeds.

You know the old saying "If at first you don't succeed, try try again". This is really good advice. If you really want something, you must keep going. Consider Michael Jordon the NBA Champ and 5 time MVP award winning basketball great. He was actually cut from his high school basketball team because he "wasn't good enough".  "I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I am so successful.” Mr. Jordan makes it clear that the path to his success was persistence. What an inspiration!

From my own personal experience, I can attest to the fact that "Persistence is omnipotent". It reigns supreme in goal achievement. I have watched countless dance students start off slowly with some coordination, balance or flexibility issues, but if they continue to train and put their heart in to it, those obstacles eventually fall away. Even when it doesn't come quickly, I have seen many dancers succeed beyond their wildest dreams just because they kept dancing. Other more talented dancers may fail because they don't have the desire and drive to keep going.

Turn persistence into a habit. Start by defining your goal! Once you have made a decision to attain that goal, don't let any conditions or circumstances divert your resolve. Don't let things sway you to believe that your goal cannot be accomplished. You can do it! But you must stay the course. Define your goal, make a plan, find like-minded cohorts and keep going!

What do you dream of doing with your life? Do it! Start now and never give up. There is true greatness inside you. Be persistent and you are sure to succeed.

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